I remember, after I was baptized, in the youth group at church, that we have been told that God speaks to us all the time.
John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
But I couldn't understand: how could I hear God? I wanted to but I couldn't figure out how.
I remember being a little frustrated about it.
They told us we had to "get on the same frequency" like radio waves picking up the right station.
Easier said that done.
Like everything it takes patience and its learn little by little.
Experience improves every skill and... those who seek find! It's biblical💖
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, Seek, Knock
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Here's how I started to understand:
I noticed that the same encouragement, which I really needed to hear, often came out in my social networks many times a day and in other days. They might have seemed like a coincidence but they arrived at the right time and I felt that they reached my heart.
One in particular was the image of a person who was digging in search of something, he never seemed to get to the end and when it seemed that he was about to give up, the illustration showed us that he would have found what he was looking for if he just digged a little more. So the message was about not giving up because we don't know when the Lord will help us and change our situation. It could happen tomorrow.
It gave me a lot of hope and I clung to it. From one day to the next, everything could change.💪💖💖💖
Then the Lord gave me dreams where He encouraged me. In some I knew that it was Him because I saw Him. Example: I happened to dream that I was on a ship, there was a war going on but Jesus was on the boat/ship with me. Or that the actress who played God in the movie "The Shack" hugged me and I knew it was God who wanted to comfort me.
Or there were dreams with biblical references among which I saw this drawing (which I then recreated):
And I heard John 13:7 quoted
Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
Some beautiful dreams came true: like meeting someone, succeeding in a matter,...
so little by little I began to understand that this was how God spoke to me, along with images or impressions with my eyes open.
It should be kept in mind that the voice of God consoles, encourages and suggests with love and peace. He does not judge or condemn. He can convince us that there is a better way to do things and we feel the desire to ask for forgiveness, but all with gentleness, patience and love.
Looking back, it's incredible how from a frustration the Lord patiently and lovingly helped me develop how to listen to Him. There is always room for improvement and the Lord enjoys adding new things, for example: often putting a song in our minds with which He wants to tell us something💖 or speaking to us through another sense such as smell.💖
( Lately I've been reading this book that talks about it if you're interested: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B075WDF2CF/ref=pe_39220511_640034271_TE_M1DP )
It's really beautiful to walk with the Lord and discover how He wants to speak to you 🙂💖
If you would like to grow in this:
Lord Jesus I ask You to bless the person reading this and flood them with the peace of Your presence. Thank you Lord that You see their desire to listen to You and that you take joy in it! You want to accomplish it! Thank you Lord for leading them in Your presence, with patience and love, in Your messages of affection that You want to communicate to them.💖 In the Almighty name of Jesus, amen!🙂🙏🏻🕊